Sunday, April 6, 2014


Remember with any workout routine you need to put good things into your body to get the most effective workout, and good food makes you feel good too, sometimes they even taste good.

Remember to drink alot of water. They, as in what ive heard on TV and from posters in grade school, say that you should drink about 8 glasses of water a day, that may seem like alot of water, so to get started drink 2 glasses in the morning, it will jump start your metabolism get your body well hydrated for the day, i usully do this by keeping a full glass of water by my bed at night, i will fill it up before going to bed and then drink it when i get up first thing in the morning, then i will go about my normal morning routine, and i try to drink one more glass before im off to the grind.

a good thing to try would be
2 in the morning
1 by lunch
1 for lunch
2 by dinner
1 for dinner
1 after dinner

and there you have it, your daily hydration schedule

forget the idea of thinking that a diet is a restriction on how much you can eat, diet is food consumed by a person or organism, you should never say to some one "i cant eat that im on a diet"  WE ARE ALL ON DIETS. Next time you get offered a piece of cake say ill have just a little im trying to eat healthy foods and that cake doesnt fit the bill,

try to indulge your sweet tooth with fruits, our Almighty God thought it would be a good idea to wrap our desserts in a protective coating, and hey you can eat it too, go figure, apples have peels, and so does most every other fruit, if you see a fruit you want to try but dont know how to prepare it, GOOGLE it, and try a new fruit,

i eat meat mostly chicken and beef and fish and pork, wait thats almost all the meats, i will get back to the topic of meats in a later post, pending experimentation with vegetarianism.

try to eat as many foods from the outside of the store as possible, ie the produce aisle,
fruits and vegetables can be consumed all day long without worry of going over your jenny craig calorie count,

drink alot of water and eat lots of fruits and veggies,

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