Sunday, April 6, 2014

weekly workout

This week we are going to work on speed training and i have a fast paced circuit that is going to burn your lungs and legs, this workout can be done
1 time for a great workout
2-3 times for greater workout
and 3-5 time for the greatest.

all of the workouts start with a quick sunrise salutation or 2, yoga pose to get your body warm and ready to work out, then were ready to get pumped.

just follow the order of the work out, write them down or reference this post for instructions

  1. do 20 knee highs (bring your knee up to you chest like you are running over very small hurtles, 20 for each leg, so 40 total)
  2. do 20 push ups,
  3. do 20 more knees highs
  4. do 20 squat jumps ( just do a squat as low as you can and then jump)
  5. do 50 jumping jacks
  6. do some ballistic kick stretches on your legs, ( stand holding onto something, keep your legs straight, kick one leg straight out in front of you repeatedly so it stretches the back of your leg) 

6 easy workouts that when done in a row equals a good burn for your legs and lungs,

Mental challenge
this weeks mental challenge is to do at least 3 Sudoku
you could probably Google search Sudoku or get a free app on your fancy pants smart phone to get your Sudoku on.

disclaimer * working out may cause you to be awesome and feel great but it should not be done if you feel you might hurt yourself, consult doctor before trying anyworkout.

1 comment:

Illuminable & Indubitable said...

Great workout brother! Keep up the good work.