Thursday, April 17, 2014


This week has felt good with last weeks work out,  this week we are going to concentrate on mastering the burpee or maybe just getting better at it, I'm going to set a minimum of 50 per day and leave it up to you to do as many as you can above and beyond 50, 


Its always a good idea to warm up, so do some streches and jumping jacks to get a nice warm up before your burpees.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Foodie Unite,
eating and preparing  healthy food is so much more rewarding and challenging than you think, if you want a brain workout and a good meal that will make you look and feel your best than being a healthy foody is where its at,


procuring your supply of food is sometimes rather mindless at the store if your shopping for the same old chips and soda, but it can also be fun and make you think,
if you have a recipe it can be a daunting task to find ingredients and items youve never heard of before,
may i suggest starting with what you know from the produce aisle and learning how to prepare it in a knew way, combine you favorite ingredients and see what new taste you taste buds can, well, taste. it makes you visualize what you are going to prepare and its kinda fun at the same time,

preparing fresh food takes alot of trips to the store too, you may have to go to the store twice a week instead of every two weeks, but you will spend alot less,
say you buy $200 worth of processed food every two weeks,
if you eat fresh food from the produce aisle, you may end up spending only 75 a week,
there is no packaging or advertising involved so you save big buck,
try to find a good balance

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Remember with any workout routine you need to put good things into your body to get the most effective workout, and good food makes you feel good too, sometimes they even taste good.

Remember to drink alot of water. They, as in what ive heard on TV and from posters in grade school, say that you should drink about 8 glasses of water a day, that may seem like alot of water, so to get started drink 2 glasses in the morning, it will jump start your metabolism get your body well hydrated for the day, i usully do this by keeping a full glass of water by my bed at night, i will fill it up before going to bed and then drink it when i get up first thing in the morning, then i will go about my normal morning routine, and i try to drink one more glass before im off to the grind.

a good thing to try would be
2 in the morning
1 by lunch
1 for lunch
2 by dinner
1 for dinner
1 after dinner

and there you have it, your daily hydration schedule

forget the idea of thinking that a diet is a restriction on how much you can eat, diet is food consumed by a person or organism, you should never say to some one "i cant eat that im on a diet"  WE ARE ALL ON DIETS. Next time you get offered a piece of cake say ill have just a little im trying to eat healthy foods and that cake doesnt fit the bill,

try to indulge your sweet tooth with fruits, our Almighty God thought it would be a good idea to wrap our desserts in a protective coating, and hey you can eat it too, go figure, apples have peels, and so does most every other fruit, if you see a fruit you want to try but dont know how to prepare it, GOOGLE it, and try a new fruit,

i eat meat mostly chicken and beef and fish and pork, wait thats almost all the meats, i will get back to the topic of meats in a later post, pending experimentation with vegetarianism.

try to eat as many foods from the outside of the store as possible, ie the produce aisle,
fruits and vegetables can be consumed all day long without worry of going over your jenny craig calorie count,

drink alot of water and eat lots of fruits and veggies,

weekly workout

This week we are going to work on speed training and i have a fast paced circuit that is going to burn your lungs and legs, this workout can be done
1 time for a great workout
2-3 times for greater workout
and 3-5 time for the greatest.

all of the workouts start with a quick sunrise salutation or 2, yoga pose to get your body warm and ready to work out, then were ready to get pumped.

just follow the order of the work out, write them down or reference this post for instructions

  1. do 20 knee highs (bring your knee up to you chest like you are running over very small hurtles, 20 for each leg, so 40 total)
  2. do 20 push ups,
  3. do 20 more knees highs
  4. do 20 squat jumps ( just do a squat as low as you can and then jump)
  5. do 50 jumping jacks
  6. do some ballistic kick stretches on your legs, ( stand holding onto something, keep your legs straight, kick one leg straight out in front of you repeatedly so it stretches the back of your leg) 

6 easy workouts that when done in a row equals a good burn for your legs and lungs,

Mental challenge
this weeks mental challenge is to do at least 3 Sudoku
you could probably Google search Sudoku or get a free app on your fancy pants smart phone to get your Sudoku on.

disclaimer * working out may cause you to be awesome and feel great but it should not be done if you feel you might hurt yourself, consult doctor before trying anyworkout.